By Virginia Wilcsek

Welcome to your 60 seconds of reset to reconnect with mind and body. We may have stressors and strains that take us away from our present self. Let’s take a moment to give back and align.

This can be done anywhere at any time. 

Start by asking yourself “what is my intention?” Ex. To give myself a break. To breathe because I’m overwhelmed. To take a step back. To become mindful of my surroundings or inner world.

Photo Of Woman In A Yoga Position

Notice any tension in your body with a quick big inhale and long exhale releasing your tongue from the roof of your mouth, softening your neck, lower your shoulders, release your pelvis muscle, softening your legs, and feeling your feet on the ground or wiggling your toes.

When you are ready, let’s begin.

  1. Put your height hand on your chest and left hand on your stomach.
  2. Take a deep breath and notice the rise and fall of your chest and stomach.
  3. In your next inhale imagine your throat filling with light (your color choice).
  4. When you exhale, soften your throat so all the light is released.
  5. Now repeat next with your chest. Inhale light, exhale light.
  6. Then with your pelvic muscle and stomach. Inhale light, exhale light.
  7. Last big inhale, light throughout your body and big exhale light outside your body.
  8. Repeat as needed, taking your time with each breath.

Take a second, come back to your inner world, then your outer world. 

Thank yourself for taking time to reset and reconnect. 

You now have this tool to use, what a great gift to yourself. 

Mindfulness Practices Women Meditating
About Author

Virginia Wilcsek

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