By Tia Cristy

It was inevitable, with so much in common, for these two ladies were destined to meet and build a publishing kingdom together.

One is the mother of two royal princesses, and the other is the mother of six glorious children. It’s safe to say that motherhood is the most important job for both of them. However, storytelling is the other job that united Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, and Karen Weaver to open Duchess Serenity Press (DSP) in 2022.

Duchess Fergie and Karen Weaver together holding books and reading

Sarah Ferguson, affectionately known as Fergie, has journeyed from the realms of royalty to carve a unique path in the literary world. Beyond her titles and public persona, she has found her voice as an author, captivating readers with her heartfelt stories and insightful reflections. Karen Weaver is an accomplished author and owner of several publishing houses that bring other talented writers into the world. But before we dive too far into the partnership of DSP, let’s first explore these two women and how the Duchess of York has transitioned from the royal spotlight to the literary stage.

On October 15, 1959, Sarah Margaret Ferguson was born of royal blood since she is a long descendant of King Charles II. She later entered the inner circle of the British royal family through her marriage to Prince Andrew, Duke of York, in 1986. As a member of the royal household, she was thrust into the public eye, navigating the challenges and expectations that come with royal status. Despite the deep scrutiny and pressures of a disenchanting public, the graceful and passionate Sarah Ferguson maintained her authenticity and warmth, while endearing herself to many. According to public opinion, she is still known to this day as one of the most favored royals.

Several years into the royal married life, the Duchess found an impactful outlet to escape the nagging jaws of the negative media circus and create some unforgettable and positive attention for the greater good of children worldwide. It was in the realm of children’s literature that Sarah Ferguson first made her mark as an author.

The Kindness Collection of books
The Puddle Boots Collection

Drawing inspiration from her own experiences and a desire to empower young readers, she penned her debut book, “Budgie the Little Helicopter,” in 1989. The series, which followed the adventures of a small helicopter named Budgie, quickly gained popularity, captivating children with its charming tales of friendship and courage. In 1994, Budgie became an animated series that lasted until 1996.

Duchess Fergie holding her books

Building on the success of “Budgie,” Sarah Ferguson continued to explore the world of children’s literature, releasing several more books over the years. Her stories often carried themes of kindness, resilience, and the importance of believing in oneself, resonating with young readers and parents alike. Titles such as “Little Red” and “Tea for Ruby” showcased her talent for crafting engaging narratives that entertained and inspired.

Karen Weaver TEDx Talk

On the other hand, Karen Weaver was born in Ireland and originally had no plans to be a writer. Yet, today, she lives in Australia and is a prominent figure in the publishing world. You see, Karen was always ambitious, but just like the Duchess, authenticity remained her top priority throughout her life and career. Karen was a social butterfly throughout grammar school and had an exceptional gift for resolving conflicts. Little did she know these characteristics would help her become precisely the woman she was created to be.

Karen was an educator. After becoming a mother, she continued her education in drama and humanities while working two jobs.

Did I mention Karen’s exceptional drive?

“It was a divine moment getting into books,” Karen says as she explains after I ask her about her extensive library of over 40 books that she has penned. “It was kind of a wonderful accident when I first started writing,” she admits, telling me about her writing monthly newsletters and eventually compiling the letters into the story of beautiful bonds.

In 2014, she started her own Press, MMH Press, which is still running today. It became the home to many of her inspirational writings and those of other incredible authors. After that, Karen would establish several presses for an array of genres.

It was just a few years earlier, in 2011, The Duchess ventured out of her fiction realm into the realm of non-fiction, sharing her insights and experiences with readers around the world. Her memoir, “Finding Sarah: A Duchess’s Journey to Find Herself,” offered a candid glimpse into her personal struggles and triumphs, touching on themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of happiness. Through her writing, Sarah Ferguson has shown a willingness to confront brutal truths and share the lessons she has learned along the way.

Beyond her literary endeavors, the Duchess has also been actively involved in philanthropy and charitable work, using her platform to advocate for causes close to her heart.

Finding Sarah Book Cover

Her dedication to children’s welfare, education, and healthcare has earned her widespread respect and admiration, further cementing her legacy as a compassionate and empathetic leader.

“She is so kind,” Karen adds, “Did you know she’s the Ambassador of Kindness?”

It’s true! The Duchess, often fondly referred to as the “Ambassador of Kindness,” has earned this title through her unwavering dedication to spreading compassion, empathy, and positivity in the world.

Women changing the world event taking pictures on the red carpet

Beyond her philanthropic roles and an accomplished author, Sarah Ferguson is a beacon of compassion, using her platform to advocate for causes close to her heart and to inspire others to make a difference through acts of compassion and generosity.

Throughout her life she has demonstrated a deep commitment to philanthropy and charitable work. Channeling her sympathy into tangible actions, she has touched the lives of countless individuals around the world.

The Duchess has consistently sought to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need.

One of the defining characteristics of Sarah Ferguson’s approach to philanthropy is her hands-on involvement and personal connection to the causes she supports. Rather than simply lending her name to charitable endeavors, she actively engages with communities, listens to their needs, and works collaboratively to find solutions that address systemic issues and create lasting change. Her advocacy for kindness extends beyond traditional philanthropy, encompassing a broader ethos of empathy and understanding in all aspects of life. Through her public appearances, media engagements, and social media presence, she consistently emphasizes the importance of treating others with dignity, respect, and compassion, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Through her role as the “Ambassador of Kindness,” she has used her influence to shine a spotlight on individuals and organizations that embody her core values of inclusion. Whether highlighting acts of kindness on social media, sharing inspiring stories of resilience and compassion, or championing initiatives promoting unity and understanding, she is a powerful advocate for building a more compassionate and equitable world. Beyond her public persona, Fergie’s commitment to altruism is deeply rooted in her own personal experiences and values. She has spoken candidly about the challenges she has faced in her own life and the importance of empathy, forgiveness, and self-compassion in overcoming adversity and fostering healing and growth.

I cannot stress that “Ambassador of Kindness” is not just a title bestowed upon her but a reflection of her genuine commitment to making the world a better place through acts of compassion, recognition, and being magnanimous. Through her philanthropy, advocacy, and personal example, she continues to inspire others to embrace goodwill as a guiding principle in their own lives, leaving a legacy of love and goodwill that will endure for generations to come.

Getting to know these remarkable women is beyond an honor, and I feel the need to bestow a title on Karen as well because of the courage, drive, and compassion she has shown in creating her presses over the years and because she was the one who brought these two brilliant and compassionate minds together to create Duchess Serenity Press.

Duchess Fergie at conference event

Duchess Serenity Press is a testament to Karen Weaver and Sarah Ferguson’s enduring commitment to storytelling and their desire to share foundational stories of kindness for the younger generation and empower authors to share their voices with the world. Founded on the principles of integrity, creativity, and inclusivity, Duchess Serenity Press is dedicated to producing beautiful books written by the Duchess and showcasing the artistic talents of many talented illustrators and creatives.

Fabulous Food Art is an example of a book that has it all, the Duchess’s fun Characters, A wonderful collaboration with food artist Laleh Mohmedi and some fun activities for children to make.

One of Duchess Serenity Press’s hallmarks is its unwavering dedication to kindness, self-belief, and fun.

In addition to its commitment to readers, Duchess Serenity Press is deeply invested in giving back to the community. Through partnerships with charitable organizations and initiatives aimed at promoting literacy and education, the publishing house seeks to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals and communities around the world.

Two compassionate and imaginative souls joined forces to craft books brimming with goodwill for the world to embrace. Their collaborative efforts promise a blend of storytelling artistry and philanthropy, heralding positive outcomes.

“At the core of our mission lies Sarah’s Trust, anchoring our endeavors with compassion and generosity. It’s not just a part of our identity but the essence of our purpose. Sarah’s Trust is at the heart of everything we do. It’s even at the center of our logo,” says the Duchess.

Duchess Fergie at conference event (1)

At the core of DSP is their own love for literature and her belief in the power of storytelling to uplift, inspire, and unite. Through the publishing house, they continue to uphold these values, fostering a community of writers and readers who share their passion for storytelling and the commitment to making a difference in the world.

But how did this combination of DSP come to be?

Karen is of Irish heritage yet resides in Australia, and the Duchess lives the other side of the world, so what fate brought these two tender hearts together to impact the world through the power of storytelling?

“It was my manifestation to turn Serenity Press into a million-dollar press,” says Karen.

She had four children to care for at the time, yet she started her dream by investing 50 AUD a week to the Press ten years beforehand with the inspired intention of building it into something substantial. She didn’t know how it was going to happen, but she was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Serenity Press was going to hit the big time.

“I said a big Hell Yes! to everything that came my way that aligned with my vision,” she confesses.

Knowing that the word “yes” would get her to where she needed to be, she quickly determined what aligned with her vision and gracefully bailed out on the things that didn’t.

In 2018, a friend of Karen’s was having an online event where the Duchess was attending.

“I’m never on social media at night. But this night, I was,” Karen tells me as she sets the tone for this chance meeting.

She watched the feed, and memories of Budgie the Helicopter came to the forefront of her mind. Knowing how much Karen’s kids enjoyed the adventurous stories about this adorable little helicopter and his friends, Karen thought, “I wonder if the Duchess would want to do a book for Serenity Press?” Karen admits that when a thought crosses her mind, she is very quick to move on it. She located the Duchess’s agent and began typing away.

“It must have been the best email of my life, though I could never find it again,” she says, thinking it must have been a submission form, “Two weeks later, …I got a call from the business manager of the Duchess.”

Budgie the Little Helicopter
Duchess Fergie holding book

The time they set up to discuss this potential collaboration was at the most inconvenient time for Karen as she was on holiday with her family. She planned for the call to be scheduled around the time her youngest (at the time), as she lovingly refers to as The Tornado, to be taking a nap. However, the call was brought forward an hour but with Karen’s can-do attitude she knew the show must go on and she maintained her faith that everything would work out for the best. So, at the time of the call, with noise in the background and a little one wrapped around her leg, Karen was honest with everyone on the other end of that call.

“I just explained I was on holiday and they might hear some background noise, but that I am fully present for this call,” she tells them, “If we were going to work together, they needed to know who I am and I am a mother first.”

Her tone is soft and compassionate as she repeats how the conversation went to me. I’m confident that it’s the same way she initially said it to the powerhouse group that held that incredible opportunity in their hands.

“I think it made them love me even more,” she giggles.

Two books quickly emerged from that initial call: Arthur Fantastic, co-written with Dr. Olivia Audrey and illustrated by long-time friend David William Press, and Genie Gems, written by the Duchess and illustrated by David William Press. Arthur Fantastic would also be an inspiration during the pandemic to help children who were feeling isolated and alone.

It was after these releases that Karen and the Duchess’s bond grew more profound. Seeing the immense talent in one another didn’t go unnoticed. In fact, that was noticed out of the gate. But it was the affinity for one another and the respect and love for each other’s core values of kindness that infused a friendship for life.

Karen remembers when the Duchess sent a story that she had written whilst sitting under a tree.

“It was written on fairytale paper. It was gold and beautiful,” Karen says as if the paper itself was made in a fairy woodland. “I remember praying, ‘Please, please let us be able to publish this book.”

That book was published in 2020 by Serenity Press and illustrated by Veronica Rooke. It is called The Enchanted Oak Tree, and it got raved reviews. The cover art features an enchanted tree that resembles Sarah Ferguson’s father, Colonel Ronald Ferguson.

Karen and the Duchess are currently growing The Kindness Collection of stories for DSP which is led by The Gift of Kindness that is exquisitely illustrated by the highly talented Turine Tran. The Duchess has published over 80 books and has been listed on the New York Bestseller list. As Duchess Serenity Press continues to grow and evolve, it remains a beacon of creativity, compassion, and empowerment in the publishing world. With Sarah Ferguson and Karen Weaver at the helm, the publishing house is poised to make a lasting impact, celebrating the beauty of diversity and the boundless potential of the human spirit through the written word.

As these two incredible women continue to pursue their passions for writing and delivering books, they are not only fulfilling their own visions but making a global impact while inspiring benevolence. Sarah Ferguson remains a beloved figure both within and beyond the royal family. Karen is in awe of Fergie’s constant ability to connect with readers of all ages through her storytelling, which reflects her genuine warmth and sincerity. Whether through the pages of a children’s book, a fictional novel or the reflections of a memoir, Sarah Ferguson’s words continue to resonate, offering comfort, inspiration, and a reminder of the power of resilience and hope.

In conclusion, Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, has seamlessly transitioned from her role in the royal spotlight to establish herself as a respected author and storyteller. Through her books, she has touched the hearts of readers worldwide, imparting valuable lessons and spreading messages of kindness, courage, and perseverance. As she continues to write and share her stories, Sarah Ferguson’s literary legacy will endure for generations to come.

Cheers and congratulations to these lovely ladies on serendipitously growing a publishing kingdom that promises to bring joy and education throughout the land.

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