By Tia Cristy

Starla with camera in white

Starla Fortunato is a women’s woman in the world and visionary talent behind the lens. She is renowned for her exceptional ability to produce top-tier images that captivate and inspire. As one of the most sought-after portrait and advertising photographers, based in Los Angeles, she has collaborated with some of the world’s most notable figures, making her a highly respected name in the industry. Her portfolio is a testament to her extraordinary skill and creative vision, featuring stunning portraits of celebrity icons such as Tom Hanks, Jane Lynch, Morgan Freeman, Snoop Dogg, Ben Affleck, and many more. Each photograph she has taken captures the essence of her subjects with a depth and clarity that only a true artist can achieve, turning simple moments into timeless works of art.

An Artist is born

Starla Fortunato was a born artist in the great state of Texas, raised in New York, and eventually made her way to Los Angeles. As an early child, she started off like many of us as a coloring book connoisseur, but she quickly moved into the role of painter while taking art lessons as a youngster.

By 12, she was already selling her art. Yet, even before her obvious talents with a paintbrush, Starla was completely obsessed with the camera.

“I was constantly taking pictures,” Starla admits.

She found herself continuously developing rolls of film that consisted of family, friends, and such. She would then extend that creativity into making photo albums to memorialize the shots.

“I was a documentarian from a very early age,” she says.

Starla’s documentary style has not only attracted high-profile clients but has also been prominently featured in some of the most prestigious publications in the world. Her photography has graced the pages of The New York Times, Vanity Fair, The Guardian, Teen Vogue, the LA Times, and Glamour, showcasing her ability to convey powerful narratives through her images. Her keen eye for detail and unparalleled technical expertise have earned her a reputation for excellence in the industry, making her a favorite among editors and art directors, alike. Her work is more than just photography; it is a storytelling medium that captures the essence of her subjects and brings their stories to life.

Adam Scott holding sparkler

Thank You for Your Service

Starla grew up in a business-structured family who supported her creativity as a hobby but actually didn’t see it as a stable career prospect. When she hit that age on what to do with her life, Starla had decided to join the Army. Her trusty camera was still by her side. She took photos of all of her travels. As most of us know, the stipend in the military only goes so far, so this talented soon-to-be icon decided to sell photos and paintings for extra cash.

After the military, Starla worked several odd and end jobs but didn’t find the exact fit.

“I helped many people realize and achieve their dreams for many years,” she says as she recalls all the jobs she had taken throughout her career.

Starla smiles as she remembers working for a financial company.

“I worked on the stockbroker side of things,” she remembers fondly. “It was fun, …I started seeing money; 100-million-dollar wire transfers… I learned a lot about money. But I was still taking pictures the entire time, but not getting paid for it. I was taking the company photos and building photos…”

Soon thereafter, Starla began working for a friend’s small business, taking photos. When she took the shots to the printer, he questioned the old camera she was using. He informed her the shots were good, but the camera wasn’t so great anymore.

“That camera was old,” she recalls, “It went everywhere. It was on the bottom of a lake,” she says, and I chuckle. “It worked,” she says. “I would just have to shake it like a magic box.”

Back to School

Starla was always keenly aware of the drastic changes sweeping through the world of photography. At the time, film was still widely used, but the emergence of newer, more advanced cameras promised a revolution in how images could be captured and processed. Sensing the potential and eager to stay ahead of the curve, Starla decided to enroll in night classes to immerse

herself in the new world emerging behind the lens. These classes were not merely educational but transformative, offering her a firsthand glimpse into the future of photography.

It was during these evening sessions, surrounded by other enthusiastic learners and guided by experienced instructors, that Starla had an epiphany.

She realized that photography was not just a hobby or a casual interest; it was her true calling, a career she needed to pursue with all her passion and dedication.

“I learned how to use film as the canvas and light as the paint,” she recalls, reflecting on those formative days.

This insight became the foundation of her photographic philosophy, where every image was a work of art meticulously crafted with light and shadow.

Determined to master her craft, Starla devoted countless hours to practicing and perfecting her technique. She experimented with various styles, subjects, and lighting setups, gradually honing her unique approach. Over time, she developed a profound understanding of light, which led her to unveil her ‘style’.

Finding her style brought Starla immense joy. She discovered that through her camera, she could bring out the inner beauty of others, capturing moments that revealed their true selves. Her ability to see and showcase the inherent beauty in every subject became a source of personal and professional fulfillment. It was not just about taking pictures; it was about creating a space where her subjects felt seen, appreciated, and celebrated.

Even today, Starla remains aware of the importance of staying current with technological advancements in photography. She never stops learning. She’s always seeking out new techniques, tools, and trends to incorporate into her work. This constant pursuit of knowledge and improvement continually ensures that her style remains fresh and relevant, consistently evolving with the times.

Starla photographing a black woman in home studio

Coming In

So, after wrapping up the night school and declaring her vision to be a professional photographer, full-time, it didn’t take long for the bookings to start coming in for Starla. Within a year of determining her style, she was on her way to making a great name for herself. She even made a short-term move to Atlanta where she became the go-to for athletes’ wives. Her ability to photograph women of color by capturing their beautiful skin tones became one of her incredible superpowers.

“I was shooting women from ebony to very light tones. I loved it, …They loved it,” she tells me.

Her new success took her back to L.A. where she was taken in by friend and mentor, Harry Langdon Jr., who was known for shooting faces like Ann Margret, Cher, Diana Ross, and many more well-known glamorous women.

“Harry had the light I wanted,” she says. “He had these incredible long-term relationships because he knew how to find women’s beauty.”

A side note is that Harry Langdon Jr. was, in fact, the last Beverly Hills photographer. The reason behind this little fun fact is that real estate in Beverly Hills has changed drastically since then. And because the space photographers need isn’t readily available in the area any longer, photographers had to set up studios elsewhere. Nevertheless, Harry’s skills and radiance didn’t end when he closed his doors since he had shared all his wonderful secrets with Starla. She proudly credits that these nuggets enhanced her abilities in finding the essence of beauty for men and women, alike.

Goldilocks… Just the Right Balance of Hard and Soft

Starla has a deep passion for capturing the softness in faces and spaces, a passion that finds its roots in her unique background. Surprisingly, her rugged military upbringing has played a pivotal role in shaping her approach to photography, particularly when it comes to direction. This unexpected fusion of strict regimen and tenderness has become her trademark style, setting her apart in the competitive world of portrait and advertising photography.

And despite having that military background, Starla’s approach to directing her subjects is anything but rigid. Instead, she brings a sense of empathy and understanding to her interactions, allowing her to connect with her subjects on a deeper level. This connection is what enables her to coax out their natural beauty and essence, resulting in images that are not only visually stunning but also emotionally resonant.

One of the main consensuses among those who have had the privilege of working with Starla is her incredible ability to direct her subjects. Whether she’s photographing a seasoned celebrity or a first-time model, Starla has a knack for putting her subjects at ease and bringing out their best selves in front of the camera. Her gentle guidance and keen eye for detail ensure that every pose, expression, and angle is carefully curated to capture her subject’s true spirit.

Beyond just capturing a beautiful image, Starla is committed to telling a story through her photography. She believes that every face has a story to tell, and it’s her job to bring that story to life through her lens. Starla approaches each subject with the same level of respect and curiosity, eager to uncover the narrative hidden within.

Starla with elbow up on fireplace mantle

In an industry that often prioritizes perfection over authenticity, Starla’s approach is refreshingly genuine. It’s capturing this authenticity that sets her work apart and resonates with viewers on a deeper level.

As she continues to push the boundaries of her craft, Starla remains committed to her mission of capturing the beauty and humanity in the world around her. With her unique blend of strength and softness, she continues to inspire and uplift both her subjects and her audience alike. In a world that can often feel chaotic and disconnected, Starla’s photography serves as a powerful reminder of the beauty and resilience of human disposition.

Planting Her Flag in Luxury

To say her work is second to none would be an understatement. Starla’s photography transcends mere representation; it delves into the soul of her subjects. Yet, reaches the souls of others, offering viewers a glimpse into their true selves. Her meticulous attention to detail and commitment to perfection are evident in every shot she takes. Each image is a carefully crafted piece of art, reflecting her unique vision and unparalleled technical expertise. Her ability to blend technical precision with creative flair results in images that are both aesthetically stunning and deeply resonant.

The gorgeous ad that hangs behind her is proof that her work can transport someone into a magical land. I rave about the beauty and colors, but most of all, how I wish I could visit that enchanted place, where women in stylish pink outfits stand on water, surrounded by aromatic pale pink flowers. She agrees wholeheartedly with me.

“As a photographer, you must pick your style, your brand, to be successful,” she tells me. “I’m luxury. I love bringing the softness and luxury to a shoot.”

And after getting a glimpse at her work, there is no doubt Starla is profoundly aware of exactly what it takes to create photos that push far beyond the bounds of the mainstream. She has perfected her methodology for preparing and executing the perfect iconic brand photoshoot. Her approach is both rigorous and innovative, ensuring that every aspect of the shoot aligns with her artistic vision. From the initial concept to the final edit, Starla’s process is designed to produce images that are not only visually stunning but also deeply meaningful. Her ability to envision and execute complex shoots with ease and professionalism sets her apart in a highly competitive field that consists of mostly men.

Morgan Freeman standing with white horse

Thank You Morgan

In fact, her iconic ability goes much deeper than just the photos themselves, she is highly selective with the caliber of clients she accepts, only working with those who have done the deeply reflective branding vision work ahead of time. This selective approach allows her to maintain the highest standards of quality and creativity. By collaborating with clients who share her commitment to excellence, Starla ensures that each project is a true collaboration, resulting in photographs that resonate with authenticity and impact. She believes in working with clients who understand and value the transformative power of a well-executed photograph, ensuring that every image produced is a testament to both her and her client’s dedication to upstanding quality.

When working with the Four Seasons hotel, Starla did a photoshoot for the hotel’s restaurant, featuring Chef Ashley James…

“He hated his picture taken. So, I asked him to pick up his favorite thing on the counter. He picked up this beautiful bushel of mint. I then asked him to smell it, and the look of joy that came over his face… I snapped the shot, with the mint covering most of his face, with his eyes coming over the top, …it was so beautiful,” Starla says, still in awe with the emotion of that photo.

Well, it was the layout of that magnificent photoshoot that caught the attention of Morgan Freeman’s people.

At that time, Morgan Freeman and a few friends were putting together a recipe book entitled, Morgan Freeman and Friends: Caribbean Cooking for a Cause, and looking for the right photographer to capture the magical moments and ingredients. (In case you didn’t know, Starla’s innate ability to capture the beauty in faces also transfers over to products and food.) She was immediately hired to shoot Freeman and his closest pals as they shared their cooking skills for the world to see.

After that, the hard-working photographer was on everyone’s lips. Those glorious doors to building those long-lasting relationships that she saw her mentor do so well, were now opening for her.

When I asked Starla what her favorite photoshoot was, she at first gave me a very diplomatic answer since she loves all of her clients. But soon she disclosed some of her favorites, including fashion brand Chloe Collette and the ‘Funny as hell” Jane Lynch, but as she thought a little longer, it came back to her friend, Morgan.

“Another photoshoot that we did together, was with a pony for an equestrian magazine. It was gorgeous. Most people might not know this, but Morgan Freeman is a horse guy. And he’s so cool and hip. We had a lot of fun,” she remembers. “He also loved my directing. It’s important to have direction when getting your photo taken.”

After her initial shoot with Mr. Freeman, Starla’s list of celebrity clients multiplied. She has worked with incredible household names, snapping shots of their outside beauty, but more so, capturing inside their beautiful souls, which results in the best picture.

Humbly, she still gets excited and surprised by the faces and luxury brands she gets to work with, no matter how many times she gets to work with these folks. She tells me more about these magnificent clients and the real moments they get to experience together. Sometimes the reality is surreal.

“Holy s… Jane Lynch was knocking on MY door,” she says with jovial excitement. “I’m used to having Public Relations picking up the photos, but no, she came to get her photos herself.”

I love watching the innocence sweep Starla’s face and it reminds me that, yes, we are all human, doing our best, giving our best, and we all get happy when our hard work pays off or we get a next-level compliment on a job well done.

Time to Give Back

Starla’s passion for her craft and her unwavering dedication to her clients have solidified her status as a leader in the field of portrait and advertising photography. Her work continues to inspire and influence, setting new benchmarks for creativity and innovation in the industry. Whether she is photographing a Hollywood legend or a rising star, Starla’s images capture the essence of her subjects with an artistry that is unmatched. Her ability to bring out the best in every subject, coupled with her technical prowess and creative vision, makes her a true master of her craft.

In addition to her professional achievements, Starla is also deeply committed to mentoring emerging photographers and giving back to the community. She frequently conducts workshops and seminars, sharing her knowledge and experience with aspiring photographers. Her dedication to fostering new talent and her willingness to share her expertise have made her a beloved figure in the photography community. Her influence extends beyond her own work, inspiring a new generation of photographers to push the boundaries of their creativity and strive for excellence in their craft.

She’ll be working between Paris, L.A., and Puerto Rico this year, hosting workshops and courses.

For those who can’t get to Starla, there will be an online Branding Photography course available in the upcoming months.

For those growing their influence, look into Iconic Personal Brand, where you can go through brand strategy and learn the industry standards and more. The program includes working with a stylist.

Starla is very excited about the upcoming Personal Brand sessions in Puerto Rico starting in October, providing a luxury tropical experience.

Starla 1857_Paris
Starla looking at camera LCD screen

Although this was only a snapshot of the dynamic life of Starla, I’m beyond honored she allowed me a moment to zoom in on some of her incredible achievements. Starla’s legacy is one of passion, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Her work not only captures moments in time but also tells compelling stories that resonate with clients and viewers. As she continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in photography, Starla remains a guiding light in the industry, setting standards and inspiring others to follow in her footsteps, especially for women looking to join an industry that has been predominantly men for many generations. Her photographs are not just images; they are powerful narratives that speak to the heart and soul, leaving a lasting impact on all who view them. It makes me happy to know that this brilliant woman will continue to find, enhance, and spotlight the beauty in this already beautiful world. Thank you, Starla!

About Author

Tia Cristy