By Nicola Salter

Since it is that Halloween time of year, I decided that I wanted to reach out and share with you some thoughts about building on that powerful feminine intuition you have, the inner voice, the ‘guide’ that keeps you on track. The magic if you will that is hard to define, but you know you have it. 

Let’s begin with your intuition, that flash of insight whether with your kids or business that is the big ‘Aha’ moment and comes as an inspiration, a knowing or a sense of what you need to do next. 

Nicola Salter headshot

As defined in ‘Pyschology Today ‘-  Intuition is a process that allows us to know something without conscious analytical thought. It is the application of information stored between the unconscious and conscious mind, between logic and instinct.

It’s important for you to know that: 

  • Intuition is different to emotional intelligence.
  • Intuition is about a feeling, a heart-based feeling and emotional intelligence is being intelligent about your emotions and making decisions from your brain.
  • Intuition is more spontaneous and immediate. We don’t have real facts, but we feel it is correct.
  • Instinct is your natural reaction that occurs without thinking, Like moving out of the way of an oncoming car.

Building your intuition is about opening up to your sixth sense of awareness. We all have a sixth sense, its inbuilt, but some of us get to practice more than others. Some of us are afraid of that ‘inner voice’ because we don’t trust it, or we don’t want to hear what it says. Our egos want to rule the day and have us taking a business direction that perhaps is not in our best interest.

You know for years,  I struggled with not including intuition in my coaching because it felt ‘too spiritual’ and may not be taken seriously by the women I was working with. However, it began to run organically through my work, with simple questions I would ask my clients about their lives, their experiences and then solutions I could provide to help them, if needed.

We all have intuition, and society has made it out to be ‘spiritual’, ‘out of the box’, ‘strange’. But how many women do you know that will often let you know that they had a sense that something was about to go down, a ‘feeling’ that someone wasn’t quite telling the truth, a gut reaction to pull out of a deal. 

I am a clair-sensory and clair-voyant, this means I sense things about people or situations and I also see visuals or events unfolding that are useful for people to hear. I don’t see planes falling out of the sky or tidal waves coming. I use my  gifts to help my clients redefine themselves – it is my intuition that I use as well as the  mentoring and coaching practices to help my clients discover their path.

Realizing I could help others do the same and build their own intuition motivated me to include this more in my work. For years, my intuitive abilities, that inner voice kept showing up to help others do the same. Yet I ignored it. Are you also ignoring your intuition?  Your intuition is a valuable asset not only for yourself and family, but also for your business.

How You Can Build Your Intuition To Help Your Business

Before starting a project, quieten your mind and deepen your breathing. This will allow you to ‘download’ a greater perspective, new details, depth, or direction that may not have occurred to you before.

Instead of diving straight into a pitch, take 10 minutes to get quiet, turn off distractions, hide away from the kids, and write from your heart the solution you sense is needed. Trust it.

woman meditating on dock

Your intuition is usually strongest when you are quiet.

I cannot recommend meditation enough to find your quiet space. Whether it’s through a guided meditation app, relaxing music, or a walk in nature or by the beach, quieting your mind builds your capacity for creativity and finding solutions.

The wonderful gifts we have as women is that we are great listeners and fixers. We naturally gravitate to finding a solution to a problem and ‘listen between the lines’ when someone is talking. We have the gift to ‘hear’ what is really being said, and this helps you win business. 

How to Trust Those Insights to Help Your Business

Before you start:

  • A project
  • A sales call
  • A presentation
  • A meeting
  • Deciding on your business plan
  • Your divine right client
  • Important decisions
women talking and listening to each other

Take a moment to focus on the center of your chest, inhale and exhale slowly for the count of 6 and activate a feeling of gratitude for all that is working in your life. Move your focus away from negativity. This helps to retrain your brain to potential rather than lack. Do this for at least 10 minutes per day. This is the quick coherence method designed by the Heart Math Institute to help reset and retrain your brain to your limitless rather than focusing on negativity.

If you have a busy brain, try the Brainwave App, whilst sitting quietly and breathing. This app combines Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones for Manifestation, Spirituality, Focus, Sleep, Brain Function, Positive Mood, Confidence, Memory, Meditation, Relaxation and much more.

Meditation will help you quieten your brain so you can hear your intuition. Try my guided meditations to move energy through your body at:

For the Halloween season, try these essential oils. I’m a trained clinical aromatherapist, and I use aromatherapy as a tool in my coaching practice. When you smell essential oils, they release neurochemicals in the brain that help uplift, calm, motivate, or balance you.

Here are my recommendations:

  • For greater vision – Clary Sage
  • For trust – Sandalwood
  • For greater connection with others and your truest self – Frankincense

How to use:

  • Add up to 8 drops of your chosen oil to a room diffuser filled with water.
  • Apply 2 drops of your chosen essential oil to your forehead and crown.

Using Your Abilities

Clair-voyant – You see visions or little movies play in your mind, or images when you talk with clients.

Use these images, as they are usually symbolic for the client. Share what you see by saying something like, “I sense or for some reason see this… when we talk. Does that resonate with you?”

Oftentimes, this will take the conversation deeper and stir curiosity. Trust what you see, even if your client can’t place it right away.

Example: I once saw a yellow bus and a broken mirror when working with a client. The bus was out of control, and the mirror was cracked. We were talking about a direction she wanted to take, and intuitively, I felt there was a problem with that direction. We were able to process it based on the vision I saw.

Clair-sensory – You feel things about people, sense situations, moods, or events.

This is typically the easiest of intuitive abilities to tap into, and most women can do this without realizing it. Your hunch or what you sense about a situation or person can guide your sales pitch. You may get the feeling they’re not sharing their deepest fear with you, or sense that they’re being secretive. By picking up on these emotional cues, you can open up the conversation by meeting them in that ‘feeling’ or ‘emotional’ space.

Clair-auditory – You hear beyond what is being said, picking up on what the person really means.

This involves listening with a deeper understanding of what is being said and needed. It can also be (without freaking you out!) a word or sound that comes to you, which you think you’re imagining. If you repeat it back to your client, they may be able to elaborate. It’s like being given a clue and then following through on it.

Well, I hope this has given you some insights to dive into on this Halloween. Trusting your inner voice, and if you need some help discovering your natural intuitive abilities and how to use them in business and life, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Happy All Hallows’ Eve, everyone!

About Author

Nicole Salter

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