By Niurka Castaneda

Jenna Carlton, known as the Millennial Veteran, and her journey began with a simple Facebook group during Covid. “I noticed younger veterans were isolated, not using traditional outlets to connect. Starting the group, I was amazed by the stories shared. To highlight these, I began recording chats on Instagram, focusing on younger veterans’ transitions from the military.”

Initially for ages 20-35, the group now welcomes all ages. Mental health is a major issue, with younger veterans who are more open about trauma and seeking help. Feeling they don’t belong anywhere post-military is common, alongside navigating benefits and college applications. Recognizing this need, I created the Veteran Workbook, aiding identity crises and planning for the future, available on Amazon.

Podcast Mic

I served four years in the Navy, including an eight-month carrier deployment. My own transition was challenging; pregnant at 22 and in college, feeling displaced in a new state. My children motivated me forward.

I found an interest in Instagram and the stories of veterans transitions which lead to a passion, and collaboration to build a community of 32,000 followers, with impactful reels reaching millions. The transition stories from the Facebook group gained traction as well, leading to Instagram Live podcasts showcasing veterans’ normalizing transitions.

What advice would you give someone else trying to start their own podcast?

For aspiring podcasters, commit for five years, prioritize passion over profits, stay authentic, and collaborate. Impactful stories include overcoming substance abuse, and showing resilience. Instagram is primary for engaging millennials, discussing transition shocks, PTSD, VA navigation, and mental health. Suicide prevention is crucial, with many guests sharing personal experiences.

Interested in sharing your transition story? Reach out on Instagram. Currently relocating, but future collaborations are possible. Podcast content is repurposed from IG Live, maximizing reach and impact.

For those considering a similar project, commit long-term, focus on passion, and build a supportive network through collaboration.

Jenna The Millennial Veteran

Jenna Carlton

The Millennial Veteran

About Author

Niurka Castaneda