By Virginia Wilcsek

As we transition from the beginning of the new year into February, it’s a wonderful time to reflect on our resolutions, purify our minds and bodies, and embrace a refreshed version of ourselves. Here’s a quick 60-second guide to help you reset, manage stress, and step into the month with renewed energy and purpose:

Intentions and Reflections:

As you go through this guide, think about your intentions for the month. Consider:

  • What old habits or thoughts do you want to release?
  • What new beginnings are you excited to embrace?
  • How can you stay present and centered as you navigate this month?
  • What are you grateful for and how can this gratitude guide you?

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Hydrate: Start by drinking a glass of water. Hydration is crucial for your body’s purification process and helps to reset your system.

2. Aroma Therapy: Light a calming scent candle or use essential oils. Lavender or eucalyptus can create a serene environment conducive to relaxation.

3. Visual Focus: Pick a calming object in your environment to focus on for a few moments. Let your eyes rest and your mind clear.

4. Mantra Repetition: Choose a transformative mantra to repeat silently to yourself, such as “I am evolving and growing” or “I embrace change and transformation,” to center your thoughts.

5. Finger Stretch: Stretch each finger and hand gently to release any tension. This simple stretch can help in feeling more grounded.

6. Gentle Tapping: Gently tap your chest or shoulders. This can stimulate circulation and provide a soothing effect.

7. Shoulder Roll: Roll your shoulders backward and forward a few times. This helps to release tension and improve circulation.

8. Focus on Your Breathing: Take a moment to focus solely on your breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Notice the rhythm of your breath and let it bring a sense of calm and renewal.

9. Stay with Your Breath: Continue to stay with the rhythm of your breath for 30 seconds. When you feel ready, gently bring your awareness back to the room, carrying the sense of calm and renewal with you.

10. Hold Space and Journal: Take a moment to hold space for any thoughts or emotions that came up during this reset. Grab a journal and jot down your reflections, insights, or any intentions for the month. This helps in processing and honoring your inner experiences.

Journal with pencil and candle lit on desk

Reflect and Embrace:

Take a moment to notice any changes in how you feel. Thank yourself for taking this time to reset and reconnect. This is your gift to yourself—use it whenever you need a quick reset as you navigate this month. Feel free to adjust these steps to fit your needs and continue evolving into the best version of yourself.

Looking forward to our next connection!

Here is a free ebook to prepare yourself for the year!

eBook – New Years Guide – The Transcending Pathway

About Author

Virginia Wilcsek