Some moments in our lives bring everything to a screeching halt. For me, that moment came at age 35, and it would take over two and a half years for the nightmare to be over. I walked the path of utter exhaustion so that I could be a guide for others who are going through the same thing. I promise you: there is hope!
When I was 31 years old, my firstborn child came into the world: a beautiful son. Four years later, I was ready to have another baby but struggled to conceive a second child. My friends encouraged me to go to a fertility specialist. The specialist ordered labs and found that I had Hashimoto’s disease—an illness that would change my life. (At the same time, they discovered scar tissue on my uterus, which, combined with Hashimoto’s, explained my inability to conceive again. There was no explanation for my scar tissue. Nothing was mentioned during my first natural birth.)

I was put on medication (Synthroid), but the medication made me feel worse. My anxiety escalated, I slept too much (10-12 hours a night), and my exhaustion levels were at an all-time high despite struggling every night to fall asleep.
Every aspect of my body felt like it was affected: I had constant brain fog, my appearance started to suffer (my nails became brittle, and my hair was falling out), I had uncontrollable mood swings, achy joints, constipation—you name it, I had it.
If this is how it feels to get better, I hate to think how I’d feel if I got worse!
When I returned to the doctor, he said my thyroid antibodies were improving. He temporarily lowered my dose, saying I should build to a higher dose over time. But after several weeks on his regimen, I was more miserable than ever. I switched doctors, desperate to find answers. My new doctor told me the same things the old one did: “You’re doing great now!”
Then why don’t I feel great? I wondered. Is this just in my head?
Severe depression came down on me like a storm cloud, and I had to stop working because I could hardly function. Caring for my new toddler was impossible—I couldn’t muster the energy to get off the couch and take him out of his high chair. No one understood what I was going through. After a visit to a third doctor (who told me the same thing the first two did), I realized it was up to me to take control of my health.
During this time, the biggest challenge was understanding my life wasn’t over. I was hit with everything all at once—Hashimoto’s, infertility, and a horrible reaction to medication—but I had been through challenges before, and I knew that mindset was critical. I focused on minimizing my stress by being protective of my energy, calming my nervous system, and grounding myself by walking barefoot on stone and sand.
I researched functional medicine and found a functional medicine doctor who had Hashimoto’s and actually understood what I was going through. She discovered I was allergic to the fillers in Synthroid and prescribed a lower dose of the hypoallergenic version (Tirosint). She also put me on a compounded T3 (because my body wasn’t producing it) and encouraged me to supplement with vitamins and minerals I was deficient in.
Within two weeks, I started to improve. What a beautiful thing hope is!
I was motivated again for the first time in a very long time—motivated to continue learning about wellness and the power of a positive mindset. The four pillars of the energy solution are mindset, nutrition, fitness, and accountability, but without the first pillar, we can’t go anywhere. Nothing changes if nothing changes: you can’t have an old mindset and think that you’re going to be OK in an exhausted state. Before you can make changes to the other pillars, you need to adjust your mindset, or the other pillars won’t last.
I got into Zumba, cycling, and dancing to 90s hip-hop (Rhythm Nation by Janet Jackson is a great one) like I was a backup dancer on MTV. In fact, I didn’t just do them—I became an instructor and certified personal trainer! Instead of staying home, I was the life of the party again. It was like my entire brain had been rewired: I had the boldness to take on challenges that I never would have dreamed of taking on before. (Who enters a bikini competition only a little while after getting an autoimmune diagnosis?! I did, and I whittled 16 weeks of training—the normal amount of training competitors undergo—into five weeks! It’s all about mindset.)

I marched through the muck and mire of exhaustion to dance triumphantly on the other side, and today I help others who are struggling with low energy. It was not easy to find the strength to keep going when it felt like the world was against me, but a little hope can go a long way. I didn’t have anyone cheering in my ear when I started my journey. I had to do the research myself, despite my exhaustion. Most people stay exhausted because they don’t have the strength to overcome what they’re going through, but I have been where they are, and it’s my heart work to help others overcome their adversities.
It’s through our failure we find success. It only takes one person who understands and believes in you to change your life, but mindset and a willingness to do the work are must-haves. You can go from lying in bed all morning to popping out of bed ready to conquer the day!

Exhausted to Energized: 90 Days to Your Best Self is a book written for anyone who’s struggling with exhaustion. It provides daily insights, starting with relatable and inspirational quotes. I discuss my journey and my proven perspective on how healing from exhaustion is possible. The book is broken into four sections: the exhausted state, hope, the work, and energized. Each section propels the reader closer to healing. The main topic of the book is mindset, but other topics I cover include nutrition, tools to help handle brain fog, social interaction, trusting your gut, exercise, creativity, gratitude, and more.
I also coach people—especially Type-A women—who struggle with all types of exhaustion, whether they stem from autoimmune issues, burnout, trauma, or a busy lifestyle. If you’re at your wit’s end, consider me as a guide. The best guides are people who have been where you are and where you’re going. I have been down the dark, lonely road of exhaustion, surrounded by people who didn’t understand what I was going through. I endured that so that I could be a beacon of light to others who feel misunderstood but are determined to change their lives. It is one of the great honors of my life to help people out of those dark places and into the sunshine, where they can thrive.
To learn more about Robyn and order her best selling book, Exhausted to Energized – 90 Days to Your Best Self, visit her website: And, connect with her on social media,,,
Robyn Engelson is an autoimmune specialist, certified nutrition coach, lifestyle transformer, and best selling author. She helps corporate executives and entrepreneurs live the life of their dreams—doing what they never thought was possible—enabling them to be the best versions of themselves. She does this by helping you get to the root of what is holding you back and make impactful changes toward a better life.