By Nikki Ternay

A weight loss plateau is considered a point at which your body has basically stalled and you are not seeing the results that you want to see. No movement on the scale no matter what you do. 

What is your first thought of your weight loss stalling? 

“I must have plateaued.” 

Thoughts pop up that you are just stuck in limbo …never to continue to lose weight…you have hit your “set point” and you are done….might as well pack it in then, right? 

I do not believe plateaus exist. 

Your body is in constant movement to create homeostasis. Regulating your temperature, bodily functions, getting rid of waste, etc. What you believe is a plateau really is… your body simply at a homeostatic position or in a balanced position. There is always constant movement going on but it is balancing out hence you think there is no movement. 

So how do you move out of this balanced state so you can move towards your weight loss goal? 

woman's feet stepping on scale

I see most women trying to get out of their “plateau” and trying to restart their weight loss with the following…but I do not recommend this: 

Drastically cut calories. 

Now, if you are on the typical diet and eating minimal calories this is going to be super challenging because you can only go so low on calories before the body goes into starvation mode driving you to want to inhale and devour anything in a 5-mile radius. Doing this will increase your weight thus leading you on the typically yo-yo dieting rollercoaster. 

Up the exercise intensity. Again if you are a woman over 40 you are probably doing the typical cardio or high intensity program that is thought to be the best way to burn fat. I do feel there needs to be some intensity in specific areas of your workout but for women over 40 too much intensity will raise cortisol levels which may be contributing to holding onto weight especially in the stomach region. 

Berating yourself and adopting the “suck it up buttercup” mentality. 

When you think you are not living up to the standards you have set for yourself, there comes a significant amount of negative talk. “What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you do this? …I just need to be more strict! Suck it up buttercup!” Which also will keep you stuck in this loop of losing then gaining weight.

So Here Are Three Key Tactics To Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Progress Again 

Prioritize Muscle

Muscle is the fountain of youth. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn sitting at your desk as you work. Doing long hours of high intensity cardio and tons of HIIT with light weights will burn off the precious muscle that you need. Plus as we age muscle is vital. Weight bearing exercises will help prevent osteoporosis and keep you strong as you get older giving you a better quality of life. Perform a workout that incorporates resistance training and/or weights. Select effective workouts that will help you increase your strength and flexibility. 

woman working out with dumbells

Eat More

You might need to increase your food. Yes, I know that sounds backwards. I have worked with 1,000 women who are eating like birds. When they increase their food intake their metabolism kicks up and allows them to have more energy, be more productive throughout the day and start to change their body composition. Inside my coaching programs, I teach you about fueling your body…it comes from your mindset not from a list of foods you can and cannot eat- that is dieter’s mentality…remember I teach NO FOODS OFF LIMITS!! 

woman happily eating

My Unconventional Approach 

You will not hear this in the mainstream for weight loss …but what are you thinking about during your weight loss journey? 

Do you think that it is really hard to lose weight especially when you are over 40?…that it will never happen?…that if you could just force yourself to do it you would get the body you really want? Do you feel like you do not measure up and you need to punish yourself to get results? Do you feel emotionally out of control around food…especially those foods you crave? [Crush Your Cravings: Breakfree of Emotional Eating Workshop is happening October 2024. Check my website to learn more: ] 

Yes you need to take action but discovering what is driving your thoughts behind the steps you are taking is what determines lasting weight loss versus gaining it all back. 

If this still seems super confusing or complicated and you just want someone to walk you through the process. I can help you. As a client, you will learn my Rule #1 and 3 Steps to getting you the body you want. The secret sauce is not in the rule or the three is in the coaching you will receive from me. That is where you will understand how to achieve the lean, healthy body that you really want. 

nikki ternay headshot

About Author

Nikki Ternay

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