By Wendy Watson

When I think about my entrepreneurial journey and the challenges I’ve faced, I often reflect on the incredible resilience and determination of my ancestors, starting with my great-great-grandfather. Over 100 years ago, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on a small, windswept piece of land called Shetland Island, my great-great-grandfather was evicted from his farm. Faced with this daunting reality, he could have chosen to succumb to defeat. But instead, he embarked on a new journey that would change the course of our family’s history for generations to come.

The story begins with him transforming from a farmer to a fisherman—a shift driven by necessity, not choice. Eventually, he found himself working on a ship, which led him to new shores, unfamiliar and filled with both opportunity and uncertainty. Alongside his wife and seven children, they first migrated to Canada, and later to Michigan, a place they’d never known and where they knew no one. With little money and no technological advantages like we have today, they forged a path forward, ultimately founding Bruce Township, a small town in Michigan that still thrives today. 

What strikes me most about this story is that my great-great-grandfather didn’t just survive; he thrived. His story is one of courage, perseverance, and a fierce commitment to his family’s future. He didn’t just build a life for himself in a new country; he built an entire community that is still standing strong four generations later. And it wasn’t without struggle. I can only imagine the trials and tribulations they faced as immigrants in unfamiliar lands, raising a large family, and navigating the uncertainty of building something entirely new. Yet, despite all these challenges, they succeeded. And that spirit of resilience didn’t stop with him.

old photo of man "grandpa smith"

His son, my great-grandfather Alex, carried on the family’s entrepreneurial legacy. He owned and operated his own farm, raising a staggering 16 children alongside his wife. They worked the land and built their lives, embodying the same spirit of determination that had brought their family across an ocean. My grandmother, one of those 16 children, married my grandfather, a skilled contractor and mason. It was my grandfather who taught my father the same trade. For over 30 years, my father operated his own successful business in masonry and construction, before closing it and making another courageous shift in his life. He transitioned into long-haul trucking and, together with my mother, built yet another thriving business in transportation. 

old photo of woman "grandma smith"

When I reflect on the courage it must have taken my father to make such a radical change after decades in a different field, I am reminded of the grit and adaptability that runs deep in our family’s veins. It’s no wonder that I, too, have found myself drawn to entrepreneurship, owning and operating a successful massage business, managing rental properties, and now growing a spiritual mentorship and women’s empowerment business. Each time I face a struggle in my businesses or life, I think back to my great-great-grandfather’s journey, his audacity to start anew in not one, but two countries he knew nothing about. And each time I feel like giving up, I remember that if he could do that, I can do this. 

The challenges we face as entrepreneurs today are real, but when you stop and think about the trials our ancestors endured, it puts things into perspective. My great-great-grandfather didn’t have the luxury of Google, social media, or Zoom meetings. He didn’t have access to global networks of support or quick fixes to solve his problems. He had grit, faith, and the love of his family. And that’s enough to change the course of generations.

I believe that many of us have stories like this somewhere in our lineage, stories that remind us that we’re built for the challenges we face. It’s in our blood. Whether or not your great-great-grandparents were business owners, I’m sure there is a tale of courage and resilience in your family history. Maybe they crossed oceans, started over in foreign lands, or worked hard to provide a better future for their children. Maybe they overcame insurmountable odds, and maybe, like mine, they built something that still stands today.

The point is, we all come from a lineage of fighters. And when you feel the weight of your challenges, when business isn’t going the way you expected, or when life knocks you down, remember that your ancestors faced impossible situations too. They found the strength to keep going, and so can you.

The strength, courage, and determination that allowed my great-great-grandfather to forge a new life in a new land is the same strength that flows through me. It’s what drives me when things feel impossible. When I face struggles in my own businesses or personal life, I remind myself of the legacy I come from. If he could do that, I can do this.

And you can too.

couple in front of big rig truck

One of the most powerful things we can do as modern entrepreneurs is to tap into the strength of our lineage. We are not just individuals working in isolation—we are the product of generations of dreamers, builders, and visionaries. Your ancestors survived wars, plagues, economic crises, and life-altering hardships. They built families, communities, and businesses from nothing. And just like them, you have the power to overcome your obstacles and create something meaningful.

As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves at the crossroads of doubt and determination. There are days when the weight of responsibility feels too heavy to carry, and it’s easy to think that we should give up. But when I’m standing at that crossroads, I remember the strength of my family. I remember my father, who left behind a successful construction business to pursue something entirely new and foreign, because he trusted in himself and the future he wanted to build. I remember my great-grandfather and great-grandmother, who raised 16 children while maintaining a thriving farm. I remember my great-great-grandfather, who left everything behind on a small island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean to create a new life for his family. 

In those moments of doubt, I ask myself: if they could do all that, why can’t I push through this challenge? Why can’t I take one more step forward, even when the path is unclear?

As modern entrepreneurs, we have access to technology, resources, and support systems that our ancestors couldn’t have even imagined. Yet, we often let fear and self-doubt hold us back. We forget that we come from a long line of people who overcame incredible odds with far fewer resources than we have today.

The legacy of resilience, determination, and courage that has been passed down through my family fuels my journey today. It’s what keeps me moving forward when I feel like giving up, and it’s what I hope to pass down to future generations of entrepreneurs in my family.

So, if you’re reading this and you’re facing challenges in your business or life, I encourage you to look to your past. Remember the strength that runs through your veins. You are not just one person trying to make it in this world—you are the continuation of a long and powerful lineage of fighters, dreamers, and builders.

If my great-great-grandfather could start over with nothing and build a thriving town in a foreign country, I know that you and I can build whatever we set our hearts and minds to. Keep going, keep pushing, and never forget where you came from. Your strength lies not only in who you are today but in the generations of resilience that came before you. 

We are all a part of something bigger than ourselves, and the legacy we build today will shape the future for those who come after us. So let’s honor the past by building a future we can be proud of—just like our ancestors did.

About Author

Wendy Watson

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