by Tia Cristy

Patricia Gagic holding drumsticks by chin

Seeing the world through an artist’s eye is a marvelous thing. An artist can utilize all their senses to enhance and appreciate all things. Experiencing that beautiful feeling to your core while watching a glorious sunset, or witnessing the magic of love that fills your soul when seeing a couple holding hands can be easy for most of us. However, disasters and torment are also a natural course of life that make it a bit more challenging for most folks to see the glory in it. But when an artist is faced with the negative, they have an innate ability to absorb the infinite beauty within the anguish.

Renowned artist Patricia Karen Gagic has mastered the capability to see wonder and amazement in all things this earth has thrown at her. Facing great loss and incredible gains, Patricia Karen Gagic stands as a testament to the fusion of artistic brilliance and humanitarian dedication. As an accomplished International Contemporary Artist and award-winning Author, her journey transcends borders, weaving a tapestry of creativity, activism, and service. Leading Patricia Karen Gagic Art Enterprise Inc. as its President, she has carved her name into the realm of contemporary art and philanthropy, leaving an indelible mark across the globe. Her paintings have adorned the NASDAQ Jumbotron in Times Square, which has served as a powerful reminder of art’s ability to transcend boundaries and unite people from all walks of life.

Where It All Started

Stemming from Toronto, Canada, Patricia had an interest in art from a very early age. It was at the ripe age of 10 years old that she took her first chance in the art world.

“There was a contest in the back of a magazine,” she says fondly.

The magazine encouraged her to pursue art school and validated the fact that this young girl had the skill to follow her passion.

With a multifaceted career spanning decades, she has seamlessly navigated the intersections of artistic expression, literary achievement, and social activism from her groundbreaking exhibitions in renowned galleries across the globe to her impactful literary works and profound humanitarian initiatives. Patricia’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of art and service as well as an inspiration for those to follow their dreams and embrace the pain as much as they embrace joy. And Patricia has had her share of pain and loss.

“I lost two of the most important people in my life before I was 19. When I turned 21 I was living in Saskatchewan. I had a major accident on the Trans-Canada Highway… not in a vehicle, but on a racehorse. I survived. By 25, I became a Bank Manager. Yet, I had this burning desire to change the world with my art and had significant compassion and empathy. My father died shortly after my 25th birthday. He was a man of servitude, and I finally understood his simple beginnings. This is what stirred my desire to help others. This was my purpose,” she says, resolute.

The Art Master

In 1999, Patricia began her solo mentorship with Master Artist Dragan Dragic in Savoillan, France. This was the start of her illustrious art career.

Then by 2001, Patricia had the fortuitous opportunity to exhibit at a Biennale in Firenze, Italy, marking a significant milestone in her artistic journey. It was during this event that she crossed paths with BB International Fine Arts in Switzerland, igniting a collaborative relationship that would span several years and continents. Invited to participate in their prestigious events, Patricia showcased her work in prominent cities such as Berlin, Geneva, South Korea, and France, establishing herself as a global presence in the contemporary art scene.

Since then, she has been represented by esteemed galleries such as the 13th Street Gallery in St. Catharines, the Paul Fisher Gallery in West Palm Beach and Miami, and Art Tour International New York. Her work has been recognized to transcend cultural boundaries and resonate with audiences worldwide. From the bustling streets of New York City to the serene galleries of France, her paintings evoke a sense of wonder, introspection, and raw emotion.

Patricia’s artistic journey is characterized by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of conventional artistic expression. Her collaboration with Dragic certainly marked a turning point in her career, igniting a creative spark that continues to illuminate her work to this day. Their joint exhibition in Sault, France, in 2008, curated by the esteemed Jean Pierre Thelcide, showcased the culmination of their artistic dialogue, garnering widespread acclaim and cementing Patricia’s status as a luminary in the contemporary art scene.

Gagic, Patricia, Enter into Art
Gagic, Patricia, Enter into Art
Patricia Gagic Art Paintings

However, it was in 2007, that Patricia’s passion for art and transcendental realism led to a prestigious appointment as Honorary Commissioner at the 52nd Venice Biennale, a testament to her enduring influence and artistic vision. Recognized as an International Certified Artist by the International Institute for Arts Accreditation, she occupied a unique position at the forefront of the global art community, championing innovation, diversity, and creative expression.

Beyond the confines of traditional art galleries, Patricia’s work has found expression in diverse mediums, including photography.

“I’m inspired by so much,” she tells me.

Her gold medal win at the Salon National des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 2018 underscored her mastery of visual storytelling and technical finesse while following exhibitions at iconic venues such as the Grand Palais in Paris and the World Art event in Cannes solidified her reputation as a trailblazer in the world of contemporary photography.

Beyond the Canvas

Patricia’s contributions extend far beyond the realm of art. As a presenter and advocate for the transformative power of creativity, she has graced world stages from the Harvard Club of Boston to the iconic Carnegie Hall in New York, using her platform to champion causes close to her heart.

Karmic Alibi Book

In the realm of literature, Patricia’s voice resonates with depth, authenticity, and profound insight. Her debut book, “Karmic Alibi,” earned critical acclaim, garnering recognition at prestigious awards such as the USA Best Book Awards and the International Book Awards.

“I feel a lot and I have a gift. I am a Certified Meditation Specialist and Facilitator completing certification in Applied Mindfulness, Transformative Mindfulness, and Mindfulness Without Borders from the University of Toronto. I am a Level 3 Feng Shui Consultant and Reiki Master,” Patricia informs me. “I’m very entuned.”

Her writing career grew with co-authorships in Amazon bestsellers like “Voices of Inspiration” and “RockStar Success Stories”, which explore themes of resilience, empowerment, and the human experience with unparalleled depth and nuance.

It’s All About the Art of Wellness

Patricia’s commitment to mindfulness and holistic well-being is reflected in her diverse educational background and dedication to personal growth.

As that Certified Meditation Specialist and Facilitator, she brings a profound understanding of mindfulness and transformative practices to her work, empowering individuals to cultivate inner peace, resilience, and well-being in an increasingly complex world.

Yet, perhaps Patricia’s most enduring legacy lies in her humanitarian efforts, which have touched the lives of countless individuals around the globe. From her role as a founding member of the Colors of Freedom Art portfolio to her involvement in building schools and orphanages in Cambodia.

“In 2006, I had the incredible pleasure of being in Cambodia where I was able to meet with Master Keo Ann who is the “gatekeeper” of Angkor. He runs a small orphanage and school for poor children. During the visit I was shocked at the buildings and lack thereof,” she says.

During her visit, Patricia was deeply moved by the stark realities of life in Cambodia, where the scars of the Khmer Rouge regime still lingered in the form of dilapidated buildings and widespread deprivation. Motivated by a profound sense of empathy and a desire to make a tangible difference, she resolved to take action.

Over the course of five years, working in tandem with Master Keo Ann, Patricia spearheaded efforts to renovate and restore vital infrastructure, including the construction of a new school, kitchen, and washrooms for the children and monks under his care.

Despite the absence of financial support, Patricia and Master Keo Ann embarked on a journey of resilience and determination, guided by a shared commitment to uplift the lives of those in need. Their collaborative endeavors, though daunting at times, yielded tangible results that have transformed the lives of countless individuals. Patricia reflects on these experiences with humility, acknowledging the magnitude of the challenges they faced while embracing the profound impact of their collective efforts on the community.

Cambodian Monks

The opportunity to revisit the children and monks whom she had come to know, and love, proved to be nothing short of life-altering for Patricia.

In witnessing the tangible improvements brought about by their joint endeavors, she found validation in the belief that even the smallest acts of kindness can ripple outward, igniting waves of positive change in the world. Though the journey was fraught with challenges, Patricia’s unwavering dedication and selfless spirit stand as a testament to the transformative power of compassion and collective action.

Patricia Gagic holding awards

Her philanthropic endeavors don’t just end there. Her continuous worldwide communal efforts exemplify the transformative power of compassion, empathy, and collective action. As a consultant at the Academy of Imagination and Dramatic Arts and an advisor to Help Heal Humanity, she continues to champion education, empowerment, and social justice as catalysts for positive change.

Patricia’s unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation has earned her numerous accolades and honors, including the prestigious WXN Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada award. Her induction into the WXN Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada Hall of Fame stands as a testament to her enduring legacy as a visionary leader in art, literature, and humanitarianism, inspiring future generations to embrace the wellness in creativity, compassion, and the transformative power of human connection.

Feeding the Internal Beat

Influenced by the evocative works of Pierre Soulages and the transcendent artistry of Zao Wou Ki, Patricia’s paintings exude a palpable sense of elemental energy and ethereal beauty. Drawing inspiration from music, Patricia infuses her work with symbolism and rhythm, often painting to the melodic strains of her favorite compositions, which span from happy to sad.

Patricia Karen Gagic’s exhibition, titled “Lodger,” showcased her innovative approach to painting inspired by music. Immersed in the haunting melodies of guitarist Pat Metheny, Patricia created a series of paintings that harmonized with the soulful rhythms of his music. This immersive experience exemplified her unique ability to synthesize the senses with visual and auditory stimuli, inviting viewers into a multi-sensory exploration of her art.

Her immense love for music jumped off the canvas for Patricia, where she, in turn, took up the drums and other percussion.

“You are never too old to learn something new,” she says, providing wise words.

The drum kits led to more inspiration where she embarked on a collaborative venture with artist and percussionist Greg Difrancesco, operating under the moniker Lotus97.7.

One of their bodies of work paid tribute to the late Neil Peart, legendary drummer for the rock band Rush, capturing the essence of his musical genius through a series of dynamic and evocative paintings. Although Neil wasn’t alive to see this incredible memorial, the presence of Peart’s family in attendance at the gallery was a poignant reminder of the profound impact of art on the human experience.

“It’s a moment that I will cherish forever,” she says.

I can’t help but chime in on how Neil was by far one of the greatest drummers of all time. As we agree on the sentiment, I’m confident that Neil, too, was smiling down on Patricia’s homage to his incredible career.

Another Loss… The Greatest One of All

It’s been just several weeks since Patricia had the greatest loss of her life when her daughter passed away suddenly.

“People don’t understand the loss unless they’ve experienced it for themselves,” she says, maintaining a pillar of strength presence.

I agree with her and add that it’s weird when you tell others about your loss and then must console them.

“Yes,” she exclaims. “It happens every time.”

As she explains what she can from the unexpected tragedy, I provide a safe space for her to express herself fully. Her beauty and strength glow as she fills me with stories of her remarkable child’s life. She tells me about her daughter’s radiance that shone brightly from the core of her soul, and I realize that the beautiful apple must not have fallen very far from this remarkable, impervious tree, by any means.

Let Me Take a Minute

Let me take a moment to let you know that losing a child is an unparalleled heartbreak, often leaving parents grappling with profound grief and a deep sense of emptiness. Consoling someone facing this immense loss requires sensitivity, empathy, and patience. Acknowledge their pain without trying to offer quick fixes. Using such phrases like “I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I’m here for you” can validate their feelings and show your compassion and support. Listening is crucial; letting them express their emotions without interruption or judgment. Remember that it’s sometimes as simple as being present—offering a shoulder to cry on or a comforting hug—can provide more solace than words.

If you find yourself in a conversation with someone who has this grappling loss, please, encourage them to share memories of their child if they wish, as this can be a therapeutic way to honor the child’s life and keep their memory alive. Avoid clichés like “time heals all wounds” or “everything happens for a reason,” which can feel dismissive of their pain. Instead, remind them that it’s okay to grieve at their own pace and in their own way. And above all, don’t react in a way that makes the grieving person have to console you on their loss. It’s just awkward.

Practical support can also be invaluable. If you know the person personally or professionally, offer to help with daily tasks or responsibilities, which can feel overwhelming amid grief. Also, suggesting professional help, such as grief counseling or support groups, can be beneficial, as these resources provide a safe space for parents to navigate their emotions and connect with others who have experienced similar losses. But don’t be surprised if they are not ready for that step just yet.

The course of life assures us that we will all experience the loss of a loved one at some point. However, no parent wants to outlive their baby. Ultimately, the key to consoling someone who has lost a child is to offer unwavering support, acknowledge the depth of their loss, and provide a compassionate presence as they navigate their journey through grief. That’s all you can do.

What’s Next for This Warrior

Patricia has permitted me to share this fresh wound, not so you will feel sorry for her, but to understand her better as she moves forward with a piece of her missing. She shows me a small sculpture that one of her dear friends has given to her. It’s a tall, beautiful angel touching the head of a little girl. The piece is astonishing at first sight. But before my mind can make its own translation, Patricia tells me what her friend said when giving it to her.

Patricia Gagic's Paintings

“I’m the little girl, and the angel is my daughter,” she says.

My heart melts, and I can see the symbolism instantly.

I ask Patricia if this tragedy dampens her or inspires her as she moves forward in her work.

“Oh, inspires me, for sure,” she exclaims. “I’m already planning on several pieces.”

The determination in her voice makes me believe these next pieces might be some of her greatest work to date. Because, from what I see, in a world marked by uncertainty and division, Patricia Karen Gagic’s journey serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward a more just, equitable, and compassionate world. She inspires through sorrow and joy, using sight and sound as she continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression, literary achievement, and social activism. Her legacy will endure as a testament to the boundless potential of the human spirit and the transformative power of art and service. Patricia Karen Gagic is a warrior in this world, and her superpower is the ability to transform emotions and expressions into beautiful masterpieces. Thank you, Patricia.

About Author

Tia Cristy