By Tia Cristy

Dr. Betty® Uribe is an undeniable inspiration, making a monumental impact on making the world a better place. As a best-selling author and globally renowned authority in leadership, with a career that spans over 25 years of transformative work in business, culture, and personal development, her ability to drive change and innovation has earned her a place among Fortune Magazine’s top 50 Most Powerful Latinas. She is widely regarded as a pioneering expert in values-based leadership. Dr. Betty® is particularly noted for her insights into the cultural challenges faced by women and minority leaders, and her work has had a profound impact on both national and international platforms.

Dr. Betty Uribe smiling at camera

Face Value

I was thrilled to get some face time with the Doc because her schedule can be quite demanding. The Latina beauty was full of smiles as she greeted me. She radiated infectious joy. Based in Los Angeles and El Cartagena, Mexico, she shares her mutual ties to the East Coast. Instantly, I felt that I had known her for years. However, it doesn’t take long for me to realize Dr. Betty® has ties all over the world because before I can get out all of my first question, Dr. Betty® raises a polite finger.

“Well, let me give my 60-second rundown and then you can ask me anything,” she says.

I agree to the terms laid before and within a minute I knew so much about this magnanimous woman. You see, throughout her impressive career, Dr. Betty® has seamlessly integrated her extensive academic background, strategic intelligence, and corporate experience to create a unique and powerful approach to leadership. As a known bombshell in the banking world, she holds expertise in finance, strategy, and human behavior, which she applies across a diverse range of industries. Her entrepreneurial ventures are as varied as they are successful, including Real Estate Investments & Renovations, Biomedical Engineering & Manufacturing, Automotive Repair/Maintenance (more on that later), and Corporate Transformation. This broad spectrum of experience has equipped Dr. Betty® with the skills and insights necessary to lead and innovate across multiple sectors, enabling her to influence industries, governments, and businesses on a global scale. Her ‘Rolodex’ is filled with dignitaries, politicians, celebrities, and movers and shakers from all walks of life, and she refers to them as ‘besties’ and actually means it. It’s no surprise, either, because the size of her generous heart radiates all around her while she shares her journey from where her career started to where she is now.

But now it’s my turn to ask questions and what I really want to know is where did little Betty start?

Early Values

When I thank Dr. Betty® for sharing her story, I am surprised by her response.

“It’s not my story. It’s God’s. It’s my story to tell, but it truly is God’s story,” she says humbly. 

Then, she tells me of how she was never supposed to be born. In utero, little Betty suffered the repercussions of her father’s abuse towards her mother, and it was a straight-up miracle that she survived. The tricky part is that to the public, Betty’s father was an ideal man. He was a very prominent millionaire, who had a dark secret behind closed doors. When he drank, he would become very violent with Betty’s mother.  Betty and her brothers grew up wanting for nothing except for peace for their mother. Betty remembers at the age of 12, after her father almost took the life of her mother once again, her mother sat the children down in a secret meeting.

photo collage of three photos - woman with 2 girls, two young girls sitting in front of wheel of truck, woman standing in big wheeler with door open smiling

“She said, I’m leaving your father. I’m heading to the U.S. because this country isn’t big enough for the two of us,” Dr. Betty® scoffs with a smile. “She told us that we could come with her, and it might be hard, or we can stay with my father and want for nothing for the rest of our lives… We all went with my mother, and, yes, it was hard,” she remembers. “I became an instant parent to my six-year-old brother because my mom had to work all the time. And because she worked so hard, I cooked. I cleaned… And, I remember saying at a very young age, I’m going to retire my mother one day,” she says boldly. “I was smart. I loved learning… I still love learning,” Dr. Betty® confesses. “And I did it. I eventually retired my mother,” she says proudly.

Family Values

With more layers than an onion, Dr. Betty® tells me story after story of her life and all the gorgeous facets of what made her who she is today. Thanks to her love of knowledge, she is a self-proclaimed auto mechanic, who can rebuild an entire car. She is a mother. She is an ex-wife. And she is a blissfully happy wife today. 

 “People forget how to love in relationships today. Love is so important,” Dr. Betty® says. 

She tells me briefly about the tumultuous first marriage that takes two to create, but with her bright outlook and amazing abilities to give and receive forgiveness, she and her ex eventually moved past their issues and her ex became a present father in his children’s, lives, which is not something Dr. Betty® got to experience as a child.

“And now our daughter has a child,” she says, gushing.

Family is the top priority in Dr. Betty®’s life. Her family ranges from kin to blood to soulful connections. It is that core family values that keep her driven.

“People always say, ‘Dr. Betty® you’re so successful. You’ve got so much going on’. And then, they ask me, “What is your biggest obstacle’. Well…,” she chuckles and points to her head. “Me, it’s always me and my head that is my biggest obstacle.”

Betty Uribe with husband in wedding photo

We share a laugh and agree that all of us just need to get out of our own way so we can accomplish what we were put on this earth to do.

“Remember, we’re just the messengers,” she says.

Gaining Value

The young girl who went from a riches to rags story didn’t just end back up swimming in the riches and success right away. She had to work for what she has today. So with goals and vision, today, Dr. Betty® Uribe is a globally recognized leader and expert in values-based leadership, who has made a significant impact in the banking industry. Renowned for her transformative influence across various sectors—including business, culture, and personal development. Today, Dr. Betty® brings with her a wealth of experience and a visionary approach to the financial services arena, along with a soulful compassion of human kindness and generosity as she strives to make this world a better place.

Over her 25-year banking career, Dr. Betty® established herself as a catalyst for positive change. Her leadership, deeply rooted in values and strategic insight, consistently delivered remarkable results for the financial organizations under her guidance. Known for her unique ability to blend academic knowledge, corporate experience, and entrepreneurial spirit, Dr. Betty® skillfully navigated the evolving challenges and opportunities within the financial sector, leaving a lasting, positive impact.

Dr. Betty®’s profound understanding of finance, strategy, and human behavior, combined with her dedication to fostering inclusive and values-centered work environments, brought a refreshing perspective to the traditionally conservative banking industry. She developed a leadership style that not only inspired and led teams but also drove innovation and growth within the financial services sector, all while staying true to the core values that have defined her remarkable career.

As she built her banking career, she also built incredible relationships with other remarkable people around the world. Because of this illustrious career in banking, it set the big stage for Dr. Betty® to make an even broader impact on the world, as she transitioned into more entrepreneurial endeavors, continuing to influence and inspire across multiple industries.

Betty Uribe smiling at camera

Passing Along Value

Today, Dr. Betty®’s passion for mentoring entrepreneurs and business leaders is deeply rooted in her own life experiences. Growing up in Colombia was easy and hard, and it was the same when she, her mother, and brothers got to America. She learned the ups and downs of what it took to become successful and the kindness it took to keep it. In her adult life, Dr. Betty®’s father had gotten sober and came to America to make a mend for his past. That’s when she got to first learn, what she calls her biggest lesson of all, forgiveness. After his passing, she inherited her father’s Columbian transportation company, a business she managed from the United States while simultaneously advancing her career as an executive in financial services. 

All of these experiences combined have fueled her commitment to educating others, overall, and more specifically, her vast knowledge of the importance of generational business transfers, particularly within the context of family-owned enterprises. 

“I know exactly what someone needs to do when it comes to inheritance,” she says, confidently.

Due to her personal journey, it provided her with a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that come with leading and growing a business across generations.


Deep-seated values and faith, plus all the education, Dr. Betty® was moved to give back to the world by sharing her insights. 

“So, I wrote a book,” she humbly shrugs.

Published in 2017, Dr. Betty® Uribe’s book, #Values – The Secret to Top Level Performance in Business and Life, is a compelling exploration of the role that core values play in achieving success both in the professional world and in personal life. Drawing from her extensive experience in leadership, business, and personal development, Dr. Betty® delves into how living and leading with a clear set of values can drive extraordinary results and foster sustainable growth.

The book is structured around real-world examples and practical insights, making it a valuable resource for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking to align their actions with their core principles. Dr. Betty® shares stories from her own life and career, as well as those of other successful leaders, to illustrate the power of values-based leadership. The book emphasizes that by staying true to one’s values, individuals and organizations can navigate challenges, build stronger relationships, and create a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

Betty Uribe holding book "#Values" next to priest

#Values has been endorsed by a diverse group of notable figures and institutions, including the Vatican, Stephen Covey Jr., and the Pentagon, underscoring its wide-reaching relevance and impact. Inc. Magazine recognized it as one of the Top 60 Best Business and Leadership Books written by women, further highlighting its significance in the fields of business and leadership.

Overall, #Values is more than just a leadership manual; it’s a guide to living a life of purpose and integrity, offering readers the tools they need to achieve top-level performance in all areas of their lives.

This book has received high praise and endorsements from prominent figures and institutions, including the Vatican, Stephen Covey Jr., and the Pentagon. It was also recognized by Inc. Magazine as one of the Top 60 Best Business and Leadership Books written by women, solidifying Dr. Betty®’s status as a thought leader in her field.

World Values

Recognized for her ability to create sustainable and lasting results, Dr. Betty®’s methodologies have been sought after by governments, corporations, universities, and business leaders worldwide. Her expertise has been featured in numerous trade publications, as well as radio and television media across the globe. She is a sought-after speaker who has graced the stages of prestigious venues, including the United Nations, Dubai, Europe, and the Americas, where she shares her knowledge and strategies for transformational leadership.

It would be easy to write dozens of pages on all of Dr. Betty®’s accomplishments and the circles she runs in, but I don’t think they could still come close to spotlighting this remarkable woman. However, one thing that I can’t forget to mention, though, is that last year, she gave the prayer for the national breakfast at the White House; And no matter what one’s political affiliation is, that’s just super cool!

Betty Uribe surrounded by many children while volunteering

Creating a Valuable Future, Today

There is no question that Dr. Betty®’s future is going to continue to be bright and it all starts with love for others. Her commitment to her work is matched by her dedication to her family. She is a proud mother of three and resides in Los Angeles, California, with her husband. Balancing her professional achievements with her personal life, Dr. Betty® continues to inspire and lead by example, demonstrating the power of values-driven leadership in all aspects of life. 

Betty Uribe smiling at camera at a presidential event

Dr. Betty® practices daily gratitude and gives back to others by airing a public daily devotional on Facebook. She is also keeping up with technologies that will make a positive impact on the well-being of others and the planet. Her humbleness, generosity, brilliance, and faith are inspiring, and we can all be grateful that there are women leaders out there like Dr. Betty® Uribe in the world today, making a wonderful difference. 

About Author

Tia Cristy

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