By Niurka Castaneda

My name is Rachelle, a proud United States Air Force veteran and host of the Silenced Voices of MST podcast. Through this platform, I amplify the voices of survivors, helping them reclaim their stories and reminding them—and others—that no one walks alone. Together, we can make a difference.

In my journey, I’ve been privileged to listen to courageous individuals who have endured unspeakable trauma, including survivors of military sexual trauma (MST). Their stories have left an indelible mark on me, as they openly shared the harrowing impact on their mental health, the victories and setbacks in their recovery, and the support—or painful lack of it—they received from their leadership. While resources exist, many survivors remain unaware of where to find help.  I was once among those who didn’t know where to turn for help.

Rachelle sitting in chair next to American flag

As a survivor of MST, I know the heavy burden of silence. For years, I carried my pain alone, enduring multiple hospitalizations after suicide attempts, drowning in isolation, and struggling to see any light. While the trauma these survivors describe resonates deeply with me, hearing it echoed back still stuns me. Trauma, even when lived, is hard to comprehend fully.

Silenced Voices of MST was born out of a need to give those silenced a space to be heard. When I first spoke out, I was gripped by fear, and shunned by those I once trusted. Despite a formal investigation, I was ostracized and bullied by peers, forcing me to transfer to another duty station. But the damage was done—my mental health unraveled, and eventually, I was medically separated from the military.

That experience shattered my identity. The uniform that once symbolized pride and honor became a source of deep anxiety and fear. My world felt upside down, and I had to navigate a reality where the support I once relied on was no longer there. Speaking out felt like a risk, but it was the only way to reclaim my life. It is through this act of courage—of sharing our stories—that we can start healing and create the change desperately needed both in the military and in society.

For those who have endured MST, remember: that you are not alone. Sharing our stories helps dismantle the silence that surrounds trauma and sheds light on its long-lasting effects. We must create spaces where survivors feel seen, supported, and safe enough to heal. These conversations are crucial to breaking the stigma and rewriting the narratives that have lingered in the dark for too long.

you are not alone

We can no longer tolerate the unspoken acceptance of harassment, stalking, or abuse—behavior that has been normalized in far too many spaces. In the military, where trust is paramount, having that trust violated by someone who is supposed to have your back is devastating. Sharing these experiences humanizes the statistics and underscores the real-life consequences of inaction and silence.

My podcast Silenced Voices of MST is about empowerment. It’s about giving voices to those who have been silenced, dismissed, or ignored. I know how difficult it is to speak out. For years, I felt trapped in hopelessness. I tried various programs for PTSD and depression, but nothing seemed to lift the weight off my shoulders. I felt like a ghost, merely existing instead of living. It wasn’t until I found a treatment that worked with my body that things began to shift. Suddenly, life felt possible again. The simple act of stepping outside, feeling the sun on my face, and taking in the world around me—it was a rebirth. This transformation took time, patience, and support. But in that flicker of hope, I found my purpose.

There is still so much to be done. Speaking out is vital. We need to raise awareness, build stronger communities, and stand together to address MST, mental health, and suicide prevention. Through Silenced Voices of MST, I will continue to provide a platform where survivors are heard, where their stories are honored, and where hope can flourish in a world that desperately needs healing.

Together, we can shatter the silence. Together, we can make a difference.

About Author

Niurka Castaneda

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