by Tia Cristy

Tia holding coffee smiling

With age comes wisdom. And we all know it takes a lot of wisdom to achieve greatness, but by the time you get there, you might feel exhausted, rundown, …and maybe just downright old. That is why it is so important to take care of yourself every step of the way as you climb that ladder. If you don’t stay hydrated and nourished, you’ll find yourself searching for the fountain of youth simply because you’re dehydrated.

As we age, our bodies begin to become deficient in specific minerals, and we lose elasticity. It kind of seems unfair that as we finally love ourselves for who we are, we now need to accept the loss of energy and vitality. But do we have to accept this as our fate?

Fate is What You Make of It

When a woman hits 30, she starts to lose collagen, her brain begins to shrink, and her bones begin to lose density. If that doesn’t get your attention, what about the loss of melanocytes, which causes your hair to turn gray, or hormone reduction that can result in erratic cycles and hair loss?

Oh, It’s Fun to be a Woman.

I’m sure you heard my dripping sarcasm, but honestly, it is awesome to be a woman. We have incredible gifts and talents, and if we could just balance our systems through diet and supplementation to keep our bodies running as smoothly as possible for as long as we can, we can age gracefully while making a positive impact in the world.

F Ageism, Age with Grace in Your Own Way

Women have it the worst when it comes to ageism. Not only do men shame women for aging, but women shame women for aging. Are you serious, ladies? If a woman ages naturally, she is ridiculed. However, if she uses a medical refresher, she is ridiculed. It’s time to FORGET ageism. Embrace yourself and forget the haters because we all age every day we are breathing.

Science is fantastic with all of its outlets of helping men and women age gracefully. There are fillers, Botulinum toxins, lifts, peels, lasers, micros, and more. The price ranges are from reasonable to high. But remember, science also provides painless, everyday creams and serums ranging from high to low as well. So whether you are simply washing your skin with a cleanser every day or getting surgical threads placed, you should embrace your methods of self-care.

Supplement Your Losses

Adding a good skincare regimen into your daily routine is excellent, and the sooner you start, the better. However, placing good things on your skin only helps so deeply. Most things have molecules that are too large to penetrate through the deep layers of skin. So when you’re trying to regenerate your collagen, inside stimulation is just as important as the outside.

wooden spoons with supplements on them

Some people will say that drinking collagen powder will help, but others don’t see results. That could be because they aren’t triggering the source of boosting collagen.

Getting the right supplements into your system is imperative to boost cell building. However, first and foremost, you must talk to your doctor before starting any supplements because some vitamins and minerals can interact with medications.

Now that’s out of the way, supplements that can spark regeneration in your system include Vitamin, D, Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Vitamin A, B vitamins. The most essential nutrients needed are amino acids, which include non-essential and essential. Essential amino peptides are ones that our bodies need but don’t make on their own, so there is usually a deficiency for most people. Natural peptides can be found in foods like milk, eggs, grains, and proteins. But, if you lack anything in your diet, supplementation could be necessary.

Stem Cell Reactivation

Human Growth Hormone vs. Stem Cell Activation

Well, there’s not really a difference because Human Growth Hormone (HGH) activates stem cells in our bodies. Now, there are different ways of stimulating natural HGH in our bodies. Because, as you’ve guessed, by the age of 30, our natural HGH decreases, so the easiest way to boost HGH is through doses of essential amino acids. HGH supplements have high doses of amino acids that get our mean levels moving.

New technology from LifeWave allows stem cell activation without ingesting a pill. The X39 STEM CELL ACTIVATION PATCH is a wearable triple copper peptide that combines glycyl-l-histidyl-l-lysine, known as GHK, which is what is already found in the human body.

When our stem cells are in abundance, we not only age more gracefully on the outside, we age slower on the inside, too.

“The regenerative medicine revolution is upon us. Like iron and steel to the industrial revolution, like the microchip to the tech revolution, stem cells will be the driving force of this next revolution”.

Cade Hildreth
Older lady laying on hands on bed


As a beautiful, successful woman, you have every right to age with grace the way you see fit. Taking care of the outside appearance will usually only help the outside. Still, if you also nourish your insides and stay adequately hydrated, you will feed all your organs and cells, which can benefit your insides and outsides, together.

Aging with grace is part of self-care. It isn’t just about physical looks but protecting your brain and bones along with your blood, organs, and senses. Take time each day to nourish your body, mind, and soul.

For more tips, check out Tips from Tia:

For more information on X39, check out:

About Tia Cristy

Tia Cristy Headshot

The most important thing about Tia is her way of cutting through the white noise and oversaturation of data to provide the most efficient and trusted information to others. Tia has been a radio personality for over 20 years.

She’s the founder of Tips from Tia and CEO of Ready Speaker One, as well as an International Best-selling author, national speaker, and TedX alumni. She has humbly earned the title of Personality and Tips Expert in Health, Family, Lifestyle, Home, and Beauty through radio, television, and print.

About Author

Tia Cristy