By Tia Cristy

As we move into the fall season, it’s important to consider what the seasonal change means for our skin, hair, and wardrobe. While it’s a necessity for the kiddos to get new styles and personas every start of the school year, as adults, we tend to cling to our regular skincare routines, find the easiest management resources for our hair, and blend seasonal clothes with old basics until the weather forces us to make adjustments. Instead, how about going into this fall season intentionally practicing self-care?

The Skinny on Skincare

As we move from season to season, our skin changes to adapt to the weather ahead. Not considering that each season—especially winter and summer—can leave our skin feeling neglected. For example, in the summer, the skin hydrates more to prevent drying, so many might notice their face getting shiny or feeling greasy by the time evening hits. But as we move closer to cooler months, the skin tries to hold in that hydration. Heaters, along with cold blasts of wind, can cause the skin to dry out badly. Dry patches can cause redness, and cracked skin can cause pain as well as bacterial issues. Rainy weather can also cause more airborne problems with mold. These are all elements that can cause the skin to become overly dry, inflamed, or irritated.

Keep your skin clean and care for your pores with steam or a face mask. One thing I love to use directly on my face in the fall is local raw honey. Paint it on freshly cleansed skin and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can reduce inflammation, balance skin tone, and reduce wrinkles. Yep, you read that correctly. However, do not use it if you have an allergy to honey or bees. Talk with your doctor or allergist if you are unsure before using.

happy woman in fall

Next, I recommend a moisturizer that works for your skin type. I prefer using a hyaluronic acid serum packed with the vitamins my skin needs. In some seasons, you might need a thicker cream, while other seasons might require using a light moisturizer.

And finally, just because you’re not basking in the sun poolside, still use sunscreen. I prefer one that is already mixed in with other face creams. I recommend something with an SPF of 30 or above. Sunblock is the number one fighter against premature aging. Prevention is always key.

Fall skincare will help with the transition into winter when the skin gets even drier.

Hair This

Hair care is super important going into the fall. Most people have spent their summer days in the sun, sand, ocean, or pools. These moments can be a blast, but they’re rough on your hair. If your hair feels like straw from all the fun in the sun, it’s time to treat it with some extra love.

Hair that has spent a lot of time in chlorinated pools might need a clarifying shampoo treatment to pull out the chlorine. However, clarifying shampoo is extremely drying to the hair. It’s not good to use a clarifying shampoo daily. One treatment will usually strip out the chemicals left behind. However, it will strip out your natural oils too, so we need to replenish those oils back into your locks. Side note: Seriously skip the clarifying shampoo treatment if you don’t need it.

woman flipping hair in autumn

Dry summer hair should be replenished with oils along with some vitamin and mineral love. Adding oils back into the hair after summer fun will be beneficial because, just like the skin, your hair will dry out from the indoor heat and outside cold fluctuations once winter rolls around. Please note that shedding is also part of season changes. Don’t get nervous if you have extra hairs in the brush or on your clothes. But if you feel like your hair is getting much thinner, it’s best to contact your doctor for a check-up.

Getting a good leave-in conditioner is great for this time of year, but I like to do an oil replenishment treatment to bring back the luster in my blonde locks. This is also a great treatment for those who do hair color changes with the seasons.

Using a mix of equal parts olive oil and coconut oil, along with ½ teaspoon of castor oil (Side note: In the winter, I add a few drops of argan oil as well), will provide natural vitamins and minerals that your hair will love! Mix well and run through the hair from scalp to ends. I leave it in for at least 30 minutes, but you can go as little as 10 minutes to achieve some benefits. The treatment is so natural that I’ve actually left it in all night on several occasions, but I’d recommend rinsing before bed because the pillowcase will hold that oil. After you apply, if you’re worried about the oil running or dripping, put on a shower cap or bonnet. The natural heat that will radiate within the cap can be very beneficial for the oils really soaking into your strands. Wash with shampoo and conditioner. Sometimes you might need to wash with shampoo twice to remove the excess oil.

Which Wardrobe?  

You might think it’s unnecessary to change up your wardrobe with the season, but studies have shown that seasonal changes are instilled in us just like our circadian rhythm. The body knows before we do. So, it starts to make the adjustments it needs to survive the upcoming season. In the winter, the body will get chilly on less hot days as it prepares for colder days ahead. The body will also store some extra weight to insulate itself for the cooler temps. These natural adjustments can make a person feel off or upset by the sporadic changes in their body instead of embracing the natural course of the body and its amazing ability to protect itself. So, that being said, it is important to give yourself a refresh with the season. It will help keep you feeling good about the way you look and allow you to notice feeling good on the inside. I’m not saying to buy an entirely new wardrobe, but maybe add in a few pieces that will make you happy and feel new.

fall fashion model in black jeans, black shirt, and black hat
fall fashion model in black shirt with tan scarf wrapped around arms holding tan purse
fall fashion model in black shirt beige jacket, pants, and baseball cap

These simple refreshers can help prevent mood crashes as the season changes. Have you ever heard of SAD? It’s Seasonal Affective Disorder, and it affects millions of people in this country. As you prepare for cooler temps, layering up is the best policy, so you can add or subtract garments as needed. Getting sun is still important, so wear what you need to stay comfortable, but let the light hit some skin to get that Vitamin D in your system.

If you or your loved one feels down or if SAD is coming on as we move further into the season, speak to a doctor right away to get advice on the best course of action to treat the symptoms. Good tips to follow in preventing Seasonal Affective Disorder are to eat right, exercise, keep rooms bright during the day, and get good, scheduled sleep at night.

So, there you have it! Practice self-care this upcoming season. Did you know that fall is pretty popular for being known as many people’s favorite season of the year? It’s true! So, take the time to fall for style and beauty this season as you watch the lovely changes this time of year unfold all around you.

About Author

Tia Cristy