by Nikki Ternay

When you want to lose weight, the first thing you typically look for is a diet and a workout plan. The diet industry attempts to make it appear simple to put into action, but it never is. With so many ‘rules’ it gets complicated especially if you actually want to ‘have a life’. If you like living in a bubble and eating foods you don’t actually want to eat, then by all means go for the diet. But if you are ready to stop obsessing over everything you eat and do…there is a better way to make weight loss simpler.

This is why I am advocating to diminish what I call, the dieter’s mentality. Dieting is not sustainable. You might get the body using a diet but the likelihood of you keeping that body is really low. I have seen this time and time again, you have tried all the diets, injections, pills, and potions ultimately leaving you even more frustrated and hopeless in the end. The good news is, I can help you because I have cracked the code on losing weight for the last time. After two decades working in the weight loss industry, I discovered that the true battleground lies within the confines of our own minds.

Here are some key insights and strategies to help you navigate this inner dialogue to help you achieve sustainable results:

Cultivate Awareness

Having awareness not just in what you are doing…overeating the desserts or skipping workouts. But noticing what thoughts are running through your head. By observing these thoughts without judgment, you gain valuable insight into your behavioral patterns and triggers.

Woman saying no to sweets

Get Curious

After you are noticing what you are doing and thinking, then you want to question and get curious. Why are those intrusive thoughts popping in your head? Our primitive brains love drama. It will tell you that this is the absolute LAST piece of cake of this kind on the planet. When you question your brain’s thoughts you may realize you could probably order this cake and have it delivered to your house or buy the ingredients and make the cake yourself. We live in a world where we just have to snap our fingers and food can be dropped at our front door. Your primal brain is still worried that you will run out of food, especially that dopamine filled food that we love so much. Question everything your brain pulls up. “Is this really true that this is the last piece of cake on this planet?”

Ditch The Judgement

We are our worst critics. We think we just need to criticize ourselves so we will change. This is counterproductive. When awareness is present, judgment will follow shortly after it. You will judge what you are doing…” I shouldn’t be eating that” or “why am I thinking that? That’s ridiculous!” Judgment will always be there, it’s a safety mechanism. But it does not mean we need to entertain it. Instead, cultivate a mindset of curiosity and compassion towards yourself. Acknowledge your thoughts and behaviors without condemnation, recognizing them as part of the learning process. Having awareness, being curious without letting judgment get in our way is a huge step in setting your mindset up for successful weight loss.

Understanding Who You Are Being

If you are aiming to become a leaner version of yourself, how are you showing up in that new version of you? What does this new version of you think on a daily basis? How does the new you act? You can learn a lot about what you truly want by looking at your actions. Do your actions line up with this new leaner version? If not, then you likely have some thought blocks in your way (go back to getting curious or hire a coach that deals with mindset so that they can help you achieve this leaner you).

Women holding green weight surrounded by healthy food
weight scale and woman in the background depressed

Make The Decision

Your brain loves being indecisive because then it does not have to step up and go for that goal. Being decisive gives you a clear direction in which you want to go and eliminates all other paths in front of you. When you DECIDE you are becoming a leaner version of you, you will become very clear about the obstacles that are in your way. This will help you discern and make smaller decisions faster. If you need help figuring out how to navigate through these obstacles, work with me and I will teach you EXACTLY how to lose weight for the last time.

The Ping Pong Effect

If you are brand new to mindset work, following the above steps may have you feeling like there is a ping pong match going on inside your head… “I am positive I know what to do” then “I have no clue what to do”. This is normal. The more skilled you get in understanding the way you think and what outcomes you get from thinking the less of a battle there will be inside your head.

Embrace the Journey

Above all, recognize that weight loss is not merely a destination but a continuous practice. Even as you strive towards your ideal body, remain open to refining your approach and making gradual adjustments. By mastering your mindset, you lay the foundation for lasting transformation and well-being.

Woman excited by results of weight scale

If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and nothing seems to work, your mindset may not be set up for success in getting the body you want. One thing becomes abundantly clear: it’s not just about the food on your plate or the workouts you do. True transformation begins first in your mind. By cultivating awareness, getting curious, and embracing a non-judgmental attitude towards ourselves, we pave the way for lasting change. Remember, this journey is not a sprint but a marathon—a continuous practice of self-discovery and growth. So, as you move forward, prepared with newfound insight and determination, know that the path to a healthier, happier you begins with mastering your mindset.

Nikki Ternay

Nikki Ternay

The person you call when you want to lose weight for the last time.

Mindset Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer, Behavior and Health Coach, Physical Therapist Assistant, 2x TEDx Speaker, Author and Host of “Weight Loss For Women Over 40” Podcast.

About Author

Nikki Ternay