by Kayla Yoder
What if I told you that you could lean into aspects of yourself you didn’t even know were useful, let alone existed, and in doing so you would soar to new heights (in your career, relationships and even in your sex life!)? So let’s get into it!
Let me start by briefly explaining the concept of masculine and feminine to you. We all have masculine and feminine energy inside of us, but it’s not a 50/50 balance. Actually, it’s different for everyone and that’s part of what makes us unique.

However, there are some assumptions we can make that will guide us in understanding ourselves better and finding our own unique balance for a happier, more easeful, and more effective life. This is a roadmap to understanding our superpowers as women and capitalizing on them.
You are a powerful badass babe!
I would bet you still haven’t unlocked your full potential. Most women have not!

Masculine | Feminine |
Doing | Being |
Purpose | Intuition |
Action | Expression |
Giving | Receiving |
Linear | Cyclical |
Structure | Flow |
Focus | Creativity |
Here are some basic assumptions:
- We all, both men and women, have a combination of masculine and feminine energy within each of us that makes up 100% of our energetic being.
- Men, in their most authentic and natural state of being, have more masculine energy than feminine energy – meaning more than 50% of the total amount of energy is masculine in nature.
- Women, in their most authentic and natural state of being, have more feminine energy than masculine energy – meaning more than 50% of the total amount of energy is feminine in nature.
- Our western society tells us our value is determined based on masculine metrics. These include our productivity, our purpose, the amount and caliber of our actions, and how much we ‘give’.
- Because of #4, all of us, men and women, are likely to be in our masculine energy more often than is natural or authentic. We are constantly trying to achieve and prove our value to society through the metrics we are told are valuable – all of them being masculine in nature.
If you look at the chart above, you’ll notice that the masculine words are all very tangible and measurable, but the feminine words are much more intangible and immeasurable. It’s easier to place value on something tangible as a society because it allows us all to understand something in the same way. If we can measure it, we can describe it more easily.
Femininity can’t be described or measured or applied as easily. We won’t be able to communicate about it as clearly, and therefore, as a society, we’ve deemed these characteristics less valuable – especially in business, where KPIs and OKRs run supreme.
But what if feminine attributes were exactly what we were missing in business? And what if they could make us even more valuable?
Spoiler alert: they are and they do!
This is a platform for women; encouraging and supporting women in their pursuit of success – and in fully bringing their dreams to reality. Our power as women lies in our feminine energy. Yes, of course, we also must have a healthy balance and use masculine energy to “get shit done,” but anyone can do that. And by anyone, I also mean men.

We have been fighting to feel seen and appreciated and valued in the workplace since women were first allowed to enter the workforce 50+ years ago. And in my opinion, we’ve come very far, but the biggest reason women aren’t yet feeling valued is because they aren’t playing to their strengths in utilizing their feminine energy.
What most women don’t realize is that men actually value and appreciate femininity in women more than they value masculinity in women. They already have more masculine energy than you do, so why are you trying to compete with that? Honestly, that strategy is just sending you into burnout.
You weren’t built to compete with men, but that’s how most women try to show their value and gain recognition in business today… and it’s obviously not working. It’s time to get a new strategy, honey.
So how do you do that? What does bringing your feminine energy into business look like?
Let’s break it down.
It starts with connecting to the feminine part of yourself more often. Here are some things you can do in order to reconnect to your feminine energy.
Once you feel connected to your feminine energy, start bringing those aspects of yourself into the workplace and into business.
This is obviously going to be very personal to the work that you do, but across the board your feminine energy will contribute to…
- Having more clarity and intuition when making decisions.
- Being able to think outside the box and develop more creative solutions to problems that naturally arise in business.
- Feeling more nourished and fulfilled by your work, rather than drained.
- Inspiring yourself and others – whether it’s clients or coworkers to be more effective when they’re producing results in masculine energy. The most effective and powerful work comes from an inspired place – born out of creativity, not necessity.
- Cultivating more meaningful relationships with colleagues, potential business partners, clients or whoever you might be dealing with. Women are naturally better at this when they’re in touch with their feminine energy, and it is definitely an asset. After all, it’s all about who you know rather than what you know.
You are indeed a powerful, badass babe!

Incorporating your feminine energy into your leadership style will not only feel amazing and much more fulfilling, it will also make you more valuable and garner greater respect from others. Now go out there and give the world all the parts of you that have been suppressed in our masculine-driven society and show the world just how powerful you are as a feminine leader.